Welcome to SECER and AVAFORST’s litter page!
Growth Updates 0-8 Weeks
Congratulations to Secer and our beautiful girl, Ava. We have been wanting to breed one of DKV’s female to Secer for a while now, and we were so excited when we got an opportunity with our beautiful import, Ava. Here is a screenshot from the actual mating.
Confirmed Pregnant
If you have not heard me say it already, Angel and I are very excited for this combination. The 30 days we had to wait before we could get an ultrasound felt like 30 months. There is nothing more exciting then seeing that first embryo pop up on the screen, and hearing the vet say, SHE’S PREGNANT!!!
Delivery Day
Congratulations to Secer Timit-Tor and DKV Rottweiler’s newest import, Avaforst! We are so exciting to announce that Ava delivered 5 male and 4 female Rottweiler puppies. All nine Rottweiler puppies are strong, healthy, and so gorgeous! This was Ava’s first litter and we did not know if she would be a good mama. Halfway through the delivery, we knew we had nothing to worry about. Ava is an outstanding mama! Here is a photo of Ava after pushing puppy number eight!
Week 1 Update
Hello DKV family!
Congratulations to everyone who has reserved a puppy and welcome to Secer X Ava’s litter page. We are so excited to watch these babies grow over the next eight weeks and we look forward to updating you with all the wonderful changes and growth details. I will complete a new weekly update each weekend, so be sure to check back every Sunday!
This first week of a puppy’s life is probably the most important. This is the week that Ava learns how to care for her babies and this is the week that really sets the foundation for the puppy’s health. We do not handle the puppies much this first week. We do one quick 15 minute photo session for our customers, but that’s it. We want Ava to bond strongly with her puppies and we want them to get as strong as possible these first few days.
During this first week, Angel makes sure the entire litter nurses every 2 hours. This means he assists with the puppies latching onto mama, and then he physically watches the litter nurse until they are all happy and full.
At this young of age, puppies cannot relieve themselves either, so it is up to mama, or the breeder, to make sure they do.
Puppies also cannot regulate their own body temperature, so it is extremely important that they remain close to mama and their whelping box maintains a warm climate during the first few weeks of life.
If you do not know, all puppies have sealed eyes and ears at birth. So they do not see or hear anything for the first two weeks. They simply nurse every two hours for a few minutes and then go back to sleep. A newborn puppy sleeps about 22 hours each day.
One change that you will see during your next update, is that the puppies will have their tails docked. They will also have their dew claws removed this first week.
The first week does require a lot of time and constant supervision. I always joke that I do not let Angel return phone calls the first week a litter is born because he gets pretty cranky after a week of no sleep. LOL. Save calls for week two. In all honesty, Angel really does set his alarm for every two hours and he does not miss one alarm. His puppies are very important to him and he makes sure they receive the best care possible. That is the DKV difference.
Week 2 Update
Hello DKV family!
Welcome to week two. Ava is continuing to do a wonderful job as a new mom. She keeps her babies close and she barely moves when she is with them in her whelping box. Ava wants her babies to be near her at all times, and that makes us very happy. Since the babies are unable to regulate their body temperatures this young, it is very important that they stay near their mother for her body heat. That’s why we have been very pleased with Ava.
Right now, babies are sleeping about 22-23 hours a day. Yep, that is right. They wake up for their one minute feeding, and the instantly fall back to sleep. This seems strange, but it’s exactly what they are supposed to be doing.
Puppy ears are still sealed and eyes are not fully open yet. That being said, there is not much action to write about. Just like week one, we are just focusing on Ava bonding with her puppies, making sure they are constantly eating, and sleeping close to mama.
Next week, we will get our first set of individual photos. We wait until week three, because by week three, mama is usually more willing to allow us to take her babies for a short while. She begins to not mind having a quick break. LOL. Week three is also when the puppies are a little larger and easier to handle. Also, all of their eyes will be fully opened and you will finally be able to get a better look at these gorgeous babies!
Over the next few weeks, I need everyone to start thinking of “W” names. Also, since this litter will be ready for their new homes the week before Christmas, we need to make sure we start planning pick-ups or deliveries as early as possible. Does anyone need a delivery quote? Who will be picking up in Georgia? As always, feel free to email me if you have any questions. Enjoy your week!
***UPDATE: Puppy eyes have begun to crack open this evening. Also, the photos I took today are terribly blurry. I will attempt to get some new photos tomorrow!
***UPDATE: Since the puppies eyes have opened, I thought I would provide a treat. I went ahead and took individual photos this week. I will do group photos next week instead. Enjoy!
Week 3 Update
Hello DKV family!
Your babies are continuing to grow more and more each day. Mama is still very protective over her babies but she is enjoying her breaks more and more each day. LOL. During week one and two, Ava would go outside to potty, and run back to the door as fast as she could. Now, she seems to be adding on an extra 10 minutes here and there, just lay down and get some alone time outside. Look, I don’t blame her one bit, 9 babies is a lot.
As you know all of the babies eyes are opened! They are so darn cute and I love being able to see them look back at me. Their ears are also opened, so they are now becoming vocal and reacting to new sounds. They are also becoming so curious. I call them nosey puppies, because they always want to see what is going on when they hear something.
Yesterday evening, Angel introduced his puppy milkshake to the litter. This is simply our puppy kibble ground up real fine with water, to make a wet mush, similar to a milkshake consistency. We don’t always introduce food this early, but when we have large litters, we want to make sure they are being satisfied with their feedings. After all, mama can only produce so much milk. Well, the puppies LOVED IT. (video below) They will still nurse all day with mama, but this will be an extra boost for them.
Overall, everything is still going well. Not much more to report this week.
Since I took individual photos last week, I will take more next week for the Week 4 update. Until then, have a blessed week!
UPDATE: I just had to add the video of the babies first feeding. So, Angel puts down pee pads first. This is just because feeding can get quite messy. LOL. Then, he adds two large bowls of the puppy milkshake. Sometimes, puppies are unsure about the new food and maybe just take a lick or two during their first ever feeding. Uh, NOT THIS LITTER! When I tell you, this litter LOVED their first taste of puppy food, I am not exaggerating!!! They were ready to bathe in it! LOL.
Week 4 Update
Hello, DKV family!
We made it to the halfway point. The puppies continue to strive. The week four mark is pretty identical to week three, just X2. The puppies are eating more, becoming more vocal, more curious, and more playful.
The puppies still nurse on mama throughout the day, but they are also receiving two puppy shakes each day. Angel feeds them a puppy shake in the morning and then again in the evening. This is simply a little extra food to keep them satisfied as they continue to grow.
As the puppies get older, they are becoming more vocal. They are getting very used to their daily routine, and if Angel is running late with their breakfast, they let him know. They will bark and howl until he shows up. When they are hungry, they are hungry. Remember Gremlins? That’s what this litter does. LOL.
As the puppies become more confident, they also become more curious. They want to see everything they hear. They do love being picked up and just checking everything out. We love when puppies are very confident and curious.
Last, the babies are starting to play with each other. After a feeding, they may have a burst of energy and begin to play with each other. They will paw at each other, chew on each other’s ears, and just pounce on each other.
Overall, the puppies are striving and doing everything typical for their age. I will get some new photos this week, so everyone can see how much they have grown. Have a blessed one!
VIDEO BELOW: As soon as the pups are done eating, they get a burst of energy. That is when they play with toys and wrestle with each other. After about 15 minutes, they are sleeping again. I just wanted to catch the play time on camera for everyone. Please excuse the food smeared on their heads and body. They have not mastered eating cleanly yet. LOL.
Week 5 Update
Hello, DKV family!
Our Secer and Ava Rottweiler babies are now five weeks old. They are beginning to become a little more independent from mama. Ava still nurses her babies throughout the day, but she gets more alone time between feedings. Ava is okay with that and so are the puppies. They are beginning to play with each other more regularly and they are starting to actually play with their toys. This is when we begin to monitor the puppies very closely to learn the personalities of each and every one.
As mentioned above, the puppies are still nursing on mama. However, they are also eating softened kibble and drinking water throughout the day as well. Growth and behavior is on track and we are pleased with their overall progress. Instead of still photos, I went ahead and grabbed a 10 second video of each individual puppy. I hope everyone loves the videos! Please don’t forget to like and comment on the video - if you don’t mind. Thank you!
When watching the videos, remember, the FEMALES include (Red, Pink, Orange, and Purple) and the MALES include (Yellow, Green, Blue, White, and Black). Enjoy!
Week 6 Update
Hello, DKV family!
We have made it to week six. All of the puppies are striving and starting to show their full colors. The puppies all have a lot of energy and they love to play with their toys and wrestle with each other. They get that morning boost of energy after their morning meal, and then they all run around and play hard. The good news is they play hard, and then sleep hard. LOL. They are all typical puppies. Let’s see… They love to eat and eat. They love to play in the water, even though they know they are not supposed to. They all love to tug-of-war over one toy, even though their are eight more to choose from in the whelping box. Again, typical puppies. If you have children, I am sure you can relate.
Angel is keeping track of personality traits and we will discuss any noticeable difference next week when we begin our official puppy selections. Next week will be a busy week. We will begin with our vet visit. All puppies will be examined head to toe and receive a full physical checking skin, eyes, ears, joints, etc. The doctor will listen to their hearts to make sure they are all clear of any murmurs. The pups will receive a wormer and 5-in-1 puppy vaccine. Once we receive our health clearances, we will begin contacting our customers, in order, and finalize our puppy selections. Yay!
Once puppy selections are completed, I will begin typing up contracts and begin the official paperwork transfers. Remember, this is an import litter, so AKC papers take up to 6 months to transfer. Don’t worry, we are very experienced with import litters, and do the paperwork regularly, and we already have the process started. I will also send out some important emails on general care, food instructions, recommended products, and helpful tips. You will have everything you need in time for your baby’s arrival.
Week 7 Update
Hello DKV family!
We made it to week 7. Your babies are doing absolutely perfect. They are energetic, playful, and love attention. They are now weaned off of their mama and eating 100% hard kibble. They are currently eating kibble three times a day but will be ready to decrease to two times a day when they leave.
The DKV Rottweiler puppies have went to the vet twice already. During both visits, all puppies in the litter have passed their health physicals and were given a clean bill of health. Everything looked great during the exam (weight, temp, skin, eyes, ears, joints, belly). No heart murmurs were heard on any puppies. Fecal tests came back negative for worms and/or parasites. Puppies received their first puppy vaccine. You will need to continue their vaccines over the next two months, and I will provide a schedule for you. Last, all puppies received their USDA health certificates giving them the clearance to travel.
You should have received lots of emails from me with information on general care, feeding, medical, tips, advice, and so much more! Purchase contracts were just sent out. Please get those back to me as soon as possible. Since this is an import litter, AKC registrations can take 6 months to process. Once those are received, you will receive an electronic copy in your email and a hard copy in snail mail. I think that is it. Congratulations everyone. We look forward to meeting you all this weekend.