Welcome to ITALIAN STALLION and HERRA’s litter page!

Parent Photos

Growth Updates 0-8 Weeks


Congratulations to DKV Rottweiler’s handsome stud, Italian Stallion and our beautiful, Herra! Herra delivered 5 handsome males and 2 beautiful females. This is a repeat breeding. Our fist litter between Italian Stallion and Herra was phenomenal, and it makes sense why we did it again! Stunning puppies!

Delivery Day

Congratulations! Herra delivered 5 handsome males and 2 beautiful females. These puppies are absolutely phenomenal, exactly how we expected. Delivery started late Saturday evening, and Herra consistently delivered a puppy each hour, just like clockwork. Herra is phenomenal mother, so we had no worries in mind. Just as expected, Herra loved on each puppy after birth, took her time to clean each one, and allowed them to nurse throughout her delivery. Herra is such an amazing mama and we could not be more excited for this beautiful litter.

Week 1 Update

Hello DKV family!

The babies are all doing perfect! The photos below were taken at 3 days old. All of the puppies are professionals at nursing already. Herra does an amazing job at keeping them warm and close to her at all times. During the first few weeks of life, puppies nurse for a few minutes and quickly fall back to sleep. Each day, newborn puppies will sleep 22+ hours, so there is not much to report. We can just say that everything is going as planned and they are super healthy and strong!

Week 2 Update

Hello DKV family!

We continue on our sleeping trend through week two. The puppies continue to strive and gain weight. I forgot to mention that all puppy tails have been docked and their dew claws have been removed. Herra continues to keep her puppies close by and warm, which in turn keeps them strong and striving. Appetites continue to be strong, so we could not be happier. Eyes are sealed shut, so they do not see. Ears are also sealed shut, so they do not hear. A lot of people do not know that. We did begin to see some cracks in the eyes, so that is always exciting. Another successful week in the life of a newborn Rottweiler.

Week 3 Update

Hello DKV family!

I wanted to write a quick update to let you all know the puppies are striving and growing well. They are so fat and plump and you can’t help but fall in love with each and every one. The babies eyes have opened and their ears have opened. As you can imagine, they are very curious about us when we walk by. They lift their heads up to take a peek when someone comes by, but after a minute of exploring, they go back to the safety of their mama. Appetites are so, so, BIG. Poor Herra is eating triple servings, just to keep up with these babies. I don’t think she minds though. She seems to be enjoying the extra food and treats. LOL. Overall, we are very pleased. Angel and I have been out of state attending a funeral. We will try to get photos for the website next week. Happy New Years Eve! Be safe!

Week 4 Update

Hello, DKV family!

Happy New Year to you all. I hope we all have an amazing 2024. We made it to week four. These babies are absolutely stunning. They are so chunky and so loveable. LOL. Appetites are great. They are beginning to grow more confident each day and their curiosity is increasing. We have introduced some puppy toys and they were not sure what to do at first. After a few hours, we saw a few puppies chewing on them, while others just pawed at it, to figure out what exactly it was. It’s always fun to see the wheels turning. As I stated in the intro, this is a repeat breeding. We did this combination once before, and we know what we are expecting. High intelligence, lots of playful energy, high confidence, and overall beauty. So far, they are right on target.

Week 5 Update

Hello, DKV family!

Wow, we are at week five already. The puppies continue to have outstanding appetites. They are still nursing on mama, but they are also eating kibble throughout the day as well. Week five is when individual personalities begin to show themselves. We can already begin to see their curiosity increase, their confidence increase, and their playfulness towards each other increase. Besides all of that increasing, so is their size. LOL. This litter looks like a bunch of baby bear cubs. You cannot help but pick them up and love on them all day. That being said, they are receiving a lot of interaction, as all of our puppies do.

On a side note, I will be having surgery this week and it will require a week of recovery. That being said, if you send me an email this week, please allow me until next week to respond. Thank you.

Week 6 Update

Hello, DKV family!

Your babies are all doing amazing! They continue to have phenomenal appetites. They will begin weaning off of mama this week, and we will see how that goes. They seem to enjoy their puppy kibble, so we are hoping for an easy transition. Confidence, curiosity, and playfulness is at a high level right now. These babies can play and play until they tire each other out and then they all crash and sleep. Overall, we are so pleased with their features and look. This is a beautiful litter. There is truly no pick that stands out beyond the rest. I am sure everyone will be more than pleased with their selection.

It has been a difficult week recovering from surgery and then we were in the ER this weekend because Angel tore a ligament in his knee. Yes, we are a hot mess. This has slowed down our ability to get photos this weekend, but we do plan to get some before next weekend, so we can complete final selections. Again, we thank you all for understanding everything we are going through and being patient with us.

The good news is this litter is extremely STUNNING, so hopefully that makes up for everything else. LOL.

Week 7 Update

Hello DKV family!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your patience. I hope these beautiful photos below were worth the wait. These puppies are simply stunning. There is nothing more that I can say about them. As you already know, this was a repeat breeding, so we knew what to expect. This repeat breeding did not disappoint. These puppies are wonderful. They are playful, social, and curious. They love to play with their toys and they absolutely love playing with each other. I cannot wait to hear what everyone thinks. With that being said, it’s time to start our official selections.

Week 8 Update

Check out our Rocky X Herra male puppies at 8 weeks of age. Click on a photo to view the full sized image. Enjoy!

Week 10 Update

Check out our Rocky X Herra male puppies at 8 weeks of age. Click on a photo to view the full sized image. Enjoy!

Week 13