Welcome to BAD BOY and NICA’s litter page!
TK's Bad Boy
Champion of Serbia
Champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Junior Champion of Macedonia
V1 Belgrade Sieger
V1 Hungarian Klubsieger
HD-A, ED-BL, JLPP-Clear, Heart-0, Eyes-Clear
Quinceville Nica
V2 Open Class ADRK Westheim in Germany 2019 with Anton Spindler
HD-A, ED-0
Litter Pedigree
Bad Boy
We specifically chose Bad Boy because of his phenomenal pedigree. Angel is a huge fan of John Rambo and Eminem. Bad Boy has been doing excellent in the show ring for such a young male. He not only has beautiful confirmation, he has a phenomenal temperament. This is very important to DKV Rottweilers.
Nica is a phenomenal addition to DKV Rottweilers and our breeding program. Nica’s flawless confirmation and outstanding temperament is beyond what we were expecting. This female is very well bred. If you view her sire, Mauser of Nicola’s Lion, he was one of the biggest show dogs in his time and also one of the best producing Rottweilers around the world.
Parent Photos

Growth Updates 0-8 Weeks
Nica delivered 4 males & 3 females! Delivery went well. Nica is doing great and puppies are fat and healthy! Congratulations!
Week 1 Update
Hello DKV Family!
Your babies are 1 week old. They have made it through the first week of life and they are striving wonderfully. Not much excitement just yet. At this young age, the puppies just stay corralled by mama. Their eyes and ears are sealed, so they do not see or hear yet. They also cannot regulate their own temperature, so it is important they stay right next to mama so her body heat can keep them warm.
Angel has set his alarm clock for every 2 hours the first 5 days after a DKV litter is born. Believe it or not, this is 100% true. When a female has never had a litter before, sometimes, she does not know what to do exactly. This is where Angel comes in. Angel makes sure every single puppy gets a full feeding every two hours. He makes sure mama cleans each pup after each feeding. He makes sure mama is flipping over each feeding to avoid any problems with her breasts. So on and so on... Within a few days, our females are the best mama in the world. This attention to detail is what makes Angel different from other breeders. Your puppies receive 24-hour hands-on care. ❤️
Nica is an absolute PRO! Her temperament is just phenomenal. She is so welcoming to me and Angel and absolutely adores her babies. She is extremely attentive and she is a great mom overall!
As you all may know, we recently had another litter born as well, so Angel is on day 10 without a full night of sleep. That being said, I am not allowing him to talk on the phone because he is a grouch right now. LOL, I am not kidding. Today, I am going to feed him lots of food and we are going to watch the Superbowl and he will be getting his first full night of sleep tonight. 🙂
All reserved puppies should now be paid in full. If you still have a balance, I will send a separate payment email directly to you (this is a group email). If you do not receive a payment email, that means you are paid in full. Thank you.
I took some photos and videos of the babies this week for everyone. Since the files are too big for email, I will add the photos and videos to their litter album at https://www.german-rottweiler-puppies-for-sale.com/sixth-gallery. I actually have to do a few updates on all of my webpages, so give me a few hours before you check them. Also, tails have been cropped this week so their butts will look different on next week's update. ❤️
Week 2 Update
Good afternoon, family!!!
First, I hope you all like our new litter page. Keep this page link handy because this is where I will post our weekly updates from now on. I think it will make it much easier for everyone since you get to read your updates, see your new photos, and view new videos, all in one place. That being said, here is what’s new…
Your babies are two weeks old already. Wow, can you believe it! Time is going very fast. Well, mama Nica is doing great. She is a real champ and such a wonderful mom. I love how we learn more about Nica every day. For example, she is so nosey. Yes, nosey! She has to see EVERYTHING. Yesterday, I was watching Angel work with the puppies. He likes to stay with the mama and puppies at each feeding, so he can verify each puppy is getting a full meal. Sometimes, mama can move, and a pup will fall off. Or maybe, mama might adjust her body and a nipple becomes out of reach. Things like that… So, Angel stays around until all puppies are completely done. Well, during this one feeding, which takes 5 minutes, Nica’s head must have popped up about 20+ times to see what was going on. If any sound is made, she wants to inspect what it was exactly. Maybe she is just an extra protective mom, or maybe she is the most nosey dog ever. LOL
Puppies have docked tails now and dew claws have been removed. Overall, the puppies are doing great and eating very well. At only two weeks of age, they still cannot regulate their body temperament so they mostly just hang out around mama or under the heat lamps. They definitely wiggle around a lot quicker than they did last week, so that’s good. But the only excitement right now is watching them wiggle towards mama to nurse. Eyes are still “somewhat” sealed, so they cannot see yet. I say “somewhat” because a few have begun to crack open their eyes the tiniest bit. That is always exciting when their eyes begin to open. Ears are still sealed close, however. Nothing much else to report.
Next week will be a big week, when they can finally see and hear around them! That is when we will begin to take individual photos. Until then, enjoy the new photos! Look at big they have gotten!
Week 3 Update
Hello DKV Family!
We made it to week three. This is probably my favorite week because I finally get to see these beautiful Rottweiler puppies in their eyes. Yep, their eyes are now open! The puppies ears have also opened, so they can hear all the new sounds around them… and they are definitely reacting to them. As I was taking photos, the puppies kept falling asleep on me. So I had to make a bunch of sounds to keep them awake. Some sounds would spark their curiosity while other sounds would make them bark. It was too precious.
Besides that excitement, the puppies are doing great. They are walking around much more now and exploring all corners of their whelping box. They are getting better at climbing on mama and just becoming more curious and playful.
These beautiful Rottweiler puppies are now eating puppy food and they are really loving it. When you have a large litter, sometimes it is important to introduce food early since mama can only produce so much milk. They are still nursing of course, but the extra food is keeping them extra happy.
Nica is doing great. Nothing new with mama… just feed, clean, sleep, and repeat. Nica loves her babies and she continues to be a great mom.
Enjoy the new Easter photos below. Be sure to click on each photo to see the full sized image.
Week 4 Update
Hello DKV Family!
We are halfway there y’all. Puppies are doing great. Their appetites are wonderful. They are eating puppy kibble and still nursing on mama, of course. These little cuties are very curious and have began to play with toys. The are definitely becoming more curious. They are started to explore a little further each day, but still stay pretty close. Personalities are starting to show a little. Nothing alarming standing out, so that is great. Overall, these fur balls are just happy, healthy, and curious babies. Enjoy the photos!
Week 5 Update
Good evening, Family!
Will you look at these beauties! Your babies turned 5 weeks old today and they certainly started to bloom! We are so impressed with the bone substance and the solid structure of these cuties. We are very impressed with their head pieces and overall confirmation. The high quality of this breeding is clearly showing through.
Overall, pups are doing great. Their appetites are super healthy and they are eating both kibble and nursing on mama. Both Bad Boy and Nica have phenomenal temperaments, and they are surely passing that gene onto their offspring. The puppies are affectionate, love to be handled, and are just a pleasure to be around. They are curious about toys now and they love to explore in the yard. Everything is processing right on schedule!
Now that we are on our 5 week mark, we will be starting our official selection and paperwork soon. That being said, start thinking of an “i” name for your puppy. Remember, this is for registration purposes only. Also, start to think about which pup you are favoring. We will begin our official selections next week, and of course Angel will be available to help.
That’s all for now. Enjoy the new photos!
Week 6 Update
It is time to get the ball rolling, y’all. The babies are turning 6 weeks old and we are about to go full speed ahead.
Before I get into business, let me start with our litter evaluations. Well, this litter is absolutely perfect… That’s it. LOL. I am not even kidding. You know, when I first advertised this litter, everyone asked about the temperaments of the parents, naturally. I would tell them their temperaments are absolutely perfect, and I would be asked, how can they be sure the parents are really that well tempered. I had many people say they don’t need a puppy out of two show champions when they are only looking for a family pet. I want to make this point to everyone… It is such an advantage to receive a puppy from two TOP show dogs. Let me explain why.
First, it assures you that your dog is correct to the breed standard. The number one question that people ask me is if my Rottweilers are German or American. There is only one breed and one standard. So why are there so many different looks? Because backyard breeders simply put two dogs together without knowing the standard, because they do not show or compete. A professional breeder has an idea what to expect from a bloodline and they pair it with a complementing bloodline only. If I have a male that is maxed on his levels, I am not going to pair him with a maxed female also, because my puppies will end up out of standard. But backyard breeders do it. They might want to produce a huge Rottweiler thinking that is more impressive, but all they did was guarantee hip dysplasia from the increased size and weight. I can go on and on, but my point is, two successful show dogs can guarantee correctness.
Second, and most importantly, a show dog guarantees a good temperament. When a dog is shown, they are used to traveling outside their home environment. They are used to being around many types of people of all ages. They are used to being around many different breeds of dogs. In addition to that, the show judge is going to touch each dog from head to toe, to feel their body structure. This includes touching the genitals. If a dog shows any sign of aggression during the exam, or anytime during the show for that matter, they are automatically disqualified. So, when a dog is a Champion, you know their temperament is top notch. These are bonuses that people do not realize, but they are HUGE bonuses.
That being said, we have been told many times by Bad Boys owner that he has an amazing temperament and we have seen it. I can tell you that Nica is one of the sweetest and kindest Rottweilers I have ever met. For being with us only a few months, she has fully trusted us with her, her puppies, and continues to show us trust. When you walk outside, she runs over and rests her head on your leg. She craves affection and loves the attention. She is gentle with her food and when she takes treats out of your hand. She sits right next to you as you play with her puppy and looks happy to see you interacting with them. All that being said, these puppies are absolutely PERFECT.
We have put down food, treats, toys, etc… None of the puppies show any signs of food aggression. None are being bullies or alphas. None are growling if you approach them quickly. None bark or charge at new sounds. They are curious, confident, affectionate, and just amazing puppies. I can honestly say that you can blindfold yourself, grab a puppy, and they will do wonderful in your home. This isn’t completely unheard of when you are breeding quality litters with high level quality parents. That being said, Angel and I are 100% confident that you will be happy with your new puppy, whichever one you choose.
Which brings us to choosing! The puppies have a vet appointment late tomorrow afternoon. After we return, we will begin our puppy picking!!! This is so exciting. I am going to send everyone an email this evening, with final details on what we need to finalize paperwork, transports, and things of that nature. Talk to y’all tomorrow!!!
Individual six week puppy videos have been posted on our new Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DKVRottweiler. Please be sure to like our Facebook page, leave a comment, and please share! You can view even more posts on our old Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DKVRottweilers, which we still update as well. Thanks everyone!
Week 7 Update
Hey DKV Family!
We are now only days away… can you believe it? Well, the past few days were challenging, y’all. Angel weaned the puppies off of mama, and the puppies were mad. These puppies would look at their kibble, and then look back at us as if they were saying, “What do you want us to do with that?” They have been eating this same kibble for weeks now, but usually right after nursing on mama’s milk first. Without their mama first, they had zero interest in the kibble. This is typical with all litters the first day or two after you wean them off, but eventually they get hungry and decide to eat their kibble. No, not this litter. They were angry and hungry, they were HANGRY. After a few days, Angel had no choice but to add some yummy soft food into the hard kibble. At the first sniff, they all dived in. These puppies are too funny. I guess they know what they want and won’t settle for less. Go figure.
I have typed up everyone’s puppy purchase contract. Everyone should have their contract in their email by Monday. Please sign and email back at your earliest convenience. Then, we will have the puppies final vet exam on Wednesday 3/30. After I get all their health records, I will email those over as well. Last, we will begin our deliveries on Saturday, April 2nd! So exciting!!!
UPDATE: Hello family. I just wanted to let everyone know that the vet went perfect. All puppies came back with a clean bill of health. Temperatures, weights, skin, joint, eyes, ears… all were checked head to toe. Once again, all fecals came back negative for worms or parasites. Once again, all hearts were clear. As a result, every puppy was issued their health certificate. We are now ready to travel. He we come, y’all!
If you are unable to open the video below, here is the YouTube link… https://youtube.com/shorts/QxYrG6YhxYs?feature=share